of the house I am working on.
I had to redo the front opening because the very first one was to narrow ...
I have taken the pictures from the front house but it is from the back that the inside will be seen.
I know it looks a bit messy but believe me ;-) it is going to be OK !!!
Il y a 4 jours
love the look so far! Do you have a particular theme in mind?
RépondreSupprimerhugs K
I don't think it look messy at all! I assume this is a cardboard mock-up of the house in scale. What I cannot tell about it is what sort of architectural style it is going to be.
RépondreSupprimerHow exciting to be starting a new house. ;-) Is that where all the furniture pieces you have been working on are going to be?
tu m'intrigues , c'est les plans en carton de ta futur maison ?
RépondreSupprimerTo Karin and Catherine : the house is a kind of Swedish cottage. I am taking inspiration from Carl Larsson's house. And most of the furniture I already made should go inside.
RépondreSupprimerA Catherine, ce sont plus que des plans : la maison est doublée de l'intérieur et le revêtement extérieur est en cours ...
Your house looks exciting cant wait to see it step by step. :)
RépondreSupprimerBeau projet! C'est bien la même maison que celle-ci?http://recreationminiature.blogspot.com/2011/02/front-opening.html
RépondreSupprimerJe viens juste de découvrir le haut du vaisselier. Je me demande si la maison va subir les mêmes outrages du temps que lui! J'espère!
I think this house will look great when it's finished, I'm sure! I discovered your blog and I have to say that I'm really impressed, Marie, your so talented. I love your taste in furnitures and everything... :-)
RépondreSupprimerYour house is coming out great!
RépondreSupprimerI really love the style of Carl Larsson houses and can`t wait to see your`s finished.
hohoho!!! a new house and in a style I like so much I have a few pictures and frames or bookes (in real size and mini size) from Carl Larsson and I have done a box a little bit special on this thema... nice to see your progress and yuour techic how to do it... doei, claude